Tom Usher Senior Advisor

Tom advises on all aspects of EU and UK competition law including competition compliance, merger clearance (and challenges to merger and other regulatory decisions), the treatment of vertical agreements and abusive practices, cartels and other horizontal agreement between competitors.

Tom also has considerable expertise in advising on sectoral inquiries in relation to financial services, broadcasting markets and the music industry, extended warranties and pricing issues.

He has brought and defended a number of actions based on competition law and wider EU and public law issues, before the UK domestic courts and in Europe. Tom has been involved in leading cases in the betting and gaming and broadcasting sectors dealing with collective selling, exclusive licensing arrangements, database rights and regulatory issues.

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What people are saying


"Tom Usher is excellent and always charming."

Chambers UK 2023

"He is very experienced, knowledgeable, and explains what you need to know in clear and simple terms."

Chambers UK 2022

"Tom is a leader in his field, and is a master strategist and wordsmith; he is an excellent technician and is finely attuned to the commercial perspective, as well as being a very personable individual."

Chambers UK 2022

"Interviewees say that [Tom] is ‘an absolute class act’ and highlight ‘his experience, sector understanding and commercial perspective’ as key strengths."

Chambers UK 2020