Matthew Ridgway Senior Knowledge Lawyer

Matthew advises private fund sponsors on their fundraising activities and institutional investors on their alternative investment programmes, with a particular focus on private equity and credit strategies.

Matthew’s experience includes advising on the full spectrum of fund-related issues, including structuring and establishment, marketing, investor negotiations, executive co-investment plans, carried interest and other incentive schemes, and fund liquidations (including following a “general partner removal”). He has also advised clients on the establishment and restructuring of a number of managed accounts, as well as on the establishment of several single-asset co-investment vehicles.

Matthew has spent time on secondment at a leading European institutional investor, the alternative investment division of a private bank and a European private credit sponsor. Matthew was also seconded in 2012-2013 to the private funds group of a leading US law firm in New York.

Recently, Matthew has focused on providing technical legal support to colleagues in the investment management group, managing and developing the team’s training programme and precedent documentation.

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