Matthew Ramsey Senior Knowledge Lawyer

Matthew qualified in 2003 and joined Macfarlanes in 2012, after almost a decade advising on all aspects of employment law, including complex Tribunal and High Court claims.

He now leads the employment group’s knowhow, training and publications programme, ensuring that our lawyers and our clients have the information they need, when they need it.

Matthew has a particular interest in the drafting and enforcement of restrictive covenants and confidentiality provisions, and in the use of mediation in employment disputes.

Matthew has advised clients across a range of sectors from architecture practices to recruitment consultants and major manufacturers.  He has also spent time on secondment to three financial services firms and has a good understanding of the particular challenges facing this industry.

Matthew is a member of the Employment Lawyers Association and the Employment PSL Network.

Matthew sits on the steering group for our Balance network, a forum providing networking and peer support for all staff managing careers and home lives, to achieve a sustainable work-life balance.

Qualified in England and Wales, 2003.

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