Case Management Unit

Our Case Management Unit (CMU) is a specialist lawyer-led team which provides comprehensive eDisclosure, disputes and investigations support. Our multidisciplinary team of experts conducts forensic data collection and project manages all aspects of eDisclosure and investigations document review, as well as providing logistical support for trials and other hearings.

The CMU ensures cases are run in a highly efficient way, which in turn assists our clients in budgeting and reducing their legal costs. In addition, by hiving off the more procedural aspects of litigation to the CMU, our matter lawyers can be entirely client-focused, directing all their attention to delivering a case-winning strategy.

Working closely with the Lawtech team, the CMU also investigates, pilots and deploys innovative litigation technology. For example, we were the first UK firm to adopt a pioneering American eDisclosure platform which can allow data to be processed very quickly for review, and which can substantially reduce the costs of the whole disclosure process. We assist colleagues in deploying generative AI and other cutting-edge technologies to deliver efficiencies and results for clients that would not otherwise be possible.

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