
Becoming a British citizen is often the final step for an individual on their journey to the UK and it can be an emotional experience with a great sense of relief.

Where an individual’s ultimate aim is to secure a British passport, this will often require years of planning to ensure the best chance of success.

Naturalisation as a British citizen

Where an individual is looking to naturalise in the UK, we assist our clients with their applications end-to-end. We ensure that the requirements are met and documented, complete the application and liaise with the authorities to ensure smooth processing.

Registration as a British citizen

Where an individual is born in the UK, in particular circumstances, we can assist with the similar registration process to obtain British citizenship.

Complex cases

Some individuals may be British due to ancestral or familial connections to the UK and this is a complex area due to frequent changes in the law. We assist clients navigate those changes to secure a positive outcome.

Passport applications

Once the application is approved, we assist with first British passport applications. First British passport applications can be complex where the individual’s name is shown differently in various official documentation. This would often result in the UK passport office denying an applicant a first British passport. We can assist with these complex applications.


We work closely with our tax colleagues to analyse and advise on any tax implications of taking British citizenship. Some clients never intended to take citizenship when they first moved to the UK and the tax planning often reflects this presumed temporary move. However, plans do change and so the consequences should be fully considered before any action is taken.

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