Derivatives and Trading

We represent hedge funds, corporate treasuries, financial institutions, managed account platforms, asset managers and high-net-worth individuals in structuring, negotiating and executing complex and bespoke derivative instruments.

We advise on a wide range of products including swaps, options, forwards and repos, covering interest rate, fixed income, currency, commodity, equity, credit, basket and index underliers.  The team routinely advises on matters such as:

  • prime brokerage and issues around rehypothecation and segregation;
  • custody and collateral;
  • securities lending and margin financing matters;
  • repos;
  • structured products;
  • exchange traded derivatives;
  • central clearing including OTC clearing under Dodd-Frank and EMIR;
  • cash equities and cash bond trading under broker terms of business; and
  • electronic trading arrangements.

Our team works alongside our specialist lawyers in financial services, regulatory, capital markets, tax and dispute resolution and are able to advise on both the day-to-day trading requirements of our clients, and the most complex derivative and structured product transactions in both transactional and contentious roles.

We have a global client base; we act for managers in London, New York, Greenwich, Hong Kong and have daily experience negotiating for these clients with the London and New York offices of the leading US and European banks and broker dealers.